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GUA SHA - Gua Sha is an ancient Chinese healing practice that has been used for centuries to improve circulation and reduce inflammation. While most commonly used on the face, Gua Sha can be performed on any area of the body. This unique treatment offers a variety of benefits that go beyond simply improving appearance. Read on to learn more about the other uses for Gua Sha to relieve muscle tension and inflammation anywhere on the body. 

Gua Sha uses for face and body

You can receive professional Gua Sha treatment at an acupuncturists office, or you can purchase your own Daily Rose Quartz crystal for your home. My partner and I can have high stress days and have found doing this ritual on each other with the gentle light of candles can reduce our stress and ground our bodies far better than a glass of wine and chatting out our day. We can use this method more gently on the neck to relieve tension along with The Healer Botanical Cream to allow it to glide on the skin and because of it's anti-inflammitory ingredients. This is a ritual with a partner that can be more effective than a manual massage with the hands, since the rose quartz crystal offers more even pressure and requires less effort require by your partners hands to get into those trouble spots and releasing the muscle tension. 

When used Gently - Gua Sha can offer a a release without bruising as can happen in an acupuncture treatment, where the provider will scrape instead of glide the gua sha tool.

The Healer - Restorative Botanical Face and Body Cream

Just like massage, after your ritual, drink a lot of lemon water to help clear out to toxins and lymphatic buildup, allow yourself time to rest and to feel the release in your body after. 

If you have questions about gua sha leave it in the comments below. We personally answer questions to help our followers have the most magical and joyful experience from our products. 

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